About MINT

About MINT

Manga International Network Team (MINT) is a project/project team name that aims to support early career manga artists and editors in Japan who are working to achieve a global presence, and to increase the recognition and value of manga’s diversity overseas.

This project is the manga section of the Creator Development Program, a program managed by the Culture & Art Revitalization Foundation of Japan, which in turn was established by the Japan Arts Council with a subsidy from the Agency for Cultural Affairs.

Japanese manga is already highly regarded and recognized around the world, but the focus tends to only be on manga that has been adapted into anime. Sharing manga’s diversity with the world and cultivating internationally active manga artists and editors is essential for the future development of Japanese manga.

Through this project, manga artists and editors will have the opportunity to directly interact manga culture outside of Japan, meet with overseas manga editors and fans, gain insight into overseas readers’ tastes and sensibilities, find out what aspects of their work resonate with them, gain a new perspective with an eye on the international market, and equip themselves with the skills needed to bring their work to an international audience. These are the goals of the MINT project.

Project Outline

Participants will be selected in November 2024 with project activities scheduled until March 2027.

Year 1: October 2024-March 2025

An advisory board made up of manga experts and editors from Japan and overseas will be established. Program participants (manga artists and editors) will then be selected through recommendation by their publisher or by an advisor. They will take part in lectures and consultations on how to enter the overseas manga market. At the end of the fiscal year, a presentation covering the project’s first year results will be held. This will be followed by a symposium featuring program recipients and advisors giving presentations on what they learned and their future plans.

Year 2: April 2025-March 2026

The manga artists and editors will be given the opportunity to participate and speak at manga-related events in the US. An exhibition and workshop will also be held with the aim of increasing their overseas recognition. Depending on the artist, some artists will attend events and have their work featured in exhibitions during the project’s scheduled third year instead of the second. At the end of the second year, a presentation and symposium will be held to review their experience overseas.

Year 3: April 2026-March 2027

Program participants that did not attend an overseas event and/or have their art featured in an exhibition abroad will see this carried out during the third year. After each participant has accomplished these two tasks, the secretariat will follow the trajectory of their career. At the end of the year, a presentation and symposium will be held to reflect on the entirety of this project.

About JPIC

Japan Publishing Industry Foundation for Culture (JPIC), which acts as the secretariat for MINT, is a foundation that promotes lifelong learning through reading and industry-related activities, conducts relevant surveys and research, develops human resources, and collects and provides information to promote the industry.

JPIC also promotes reading activities to aid in the healthy development of Japan’s economy and society, to improve people’s lifestyles and culture, and contribute toward the healthy development of Japan’s youth.



Creator Development Program/Manga section secretariat
Japan Publishing Industry Foundation for Culture (JPIC)

Email: creator-project@jpic.or.jp
TEL: 03-5211-7283
